Surprise, Achievement & Plans

3 min readOct 27, 2020


As promised, we’re releasing a Medium covering some important aspects of $BRAIN. Firstly we would like to thank every community member and active supporter of our Project aswell as the developers and artists. It’s pure joy for me to build this shit while also being able to be the most retard in the chat (press F to pay respecc).

The only Captain that $Brain needs.

,,Surprise: Halloween Lootbox 2020'’

I teased it, now it’s basically here. (Yes it’s online already. Go check.) We decided to just drop that box while it’s hot and juicy. Halloween is in approx. 5 days and this box contains exactly 170 NFT’s.


  • It will cost 30 IQ / NFT.
  • Only Legendary / Exotic tier.
  • Very limited.
  • One Exotic will have 1 instead of 3 Supply.

Here’s more details -> PROMO VIDEO

,,Achievement Unlocked: MaxStealth’’

Sales History of 2 individual $BRAIN NFT’s with a total worth of 20'000$ (45 ETH)
Dat Juice — 20'000$ on one picture.

Today a friendly soldier dropped 20'000$ on BRAIN’s NFT. Yes, you heard right. The legendary Collector himself liked our ‘‘Brains’’ made by Hipworth that he decided to just buy them up without any bids. Just straight buying.

You may ask why that’s a big deal, and why the hell i’m getting hard just by watching the picture above since i technically don’t earn if my community members make 20k$.

Simple, go have a look at Max’s collection and you will know why. The only project NFT’s this man holds are $MEME and $BRAIN. Meme is obviously a role model and not a competitor for BRAIN so the fact that he started to buy our NFT’s to add to his MEME collections is basically confirming that we’re ‘’worthy’’ enough to be bought up for ALOT of money & by a somewhat famous collector.

,,Future plans and implements’’

Raw plans and framework of upcoming Farm Update.

The farms aswell as our website design will get an Update. For the farms, we will mainly aim for some small benefits like more staking ability or enabling NFT burning to recieve back some IQ.

Maximum Stake would be raised to 15 $BRAIN / Unlimited Locked LP while the IQ cap would also be on 15 IQ / Day for both pools.

ETA for Website Design: ~ 2 Weeks
ETA for Farm Updates: ~ 2 Weeks

I am going to write up a more detailed Update once we’re on releasing schedule. Until then, enjoy the ride.

Website Design Mockup




Written by Nobrainer.Finance

Deflationary NFT farming Project. Acting as a Launchpad to kickstart artists.

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